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Liability of executive bodies - Limits via the allocation of responsibilities

The liability of the executive bodies of corporations is a matter that routinely keeps the courts busy. Where there are several managing directors the […]


Online Banking - Bank statements should be regularly backed up

These days, bank transactions are being performed more and more frequently via smartphones or PCs. Admittedly, the credit institutions regularly place […]


No VAT on students’ cake sales

From 2025, Germany’s public sector will also be generally subject to VAT. This will affect, among others, schools and day nurseries. The Finance […]


Consumer protection - Button for online cancellation must be easily recognisable

Even though it is understandable that companies usually want to hold on to their customers for as long as possible, nevertheless, the principle that […]


Protection against the loss of tax revenues caused by cross-border arrangements

The different tax treatment of a situation in two disparate states can lead to the creation of structures that induce undertaxation. In 2021 already, […]


Changes related to electricity tax relief from 2024

Through the 2024 German Budget Financing Act, which came into force on 1.1.2024, lawmakers approved changes related to the electricity tax and […]


Real estate tax – Subsequent determination of assessed value and updating the value

Real estate owners had until 31.1.2023 to submit a real estate tax return as at the date of the main assessment of 1.2.2022. The reassessed real […]


Tax-neutral transfers between affiliated partnerships

Section 6(5) sentence 3 of the Income Tax Act (Einkommenssteuergesetz, EStG) legally specifies that in the case of the transfer of an asset between […]


Measuring goodwill in times of inflation and a turnaround in interest rates

Against a background of persistent inflation and higher interest rates, the question of the real value of the goodwill on a balance sheet has gained […]


Employee shares – Changes due to the German Future Financing Act

Many employers try to create motivation and retention incentives for employees via attractive remuneration packages that go beyond traditional salary […]

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