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Tax treatment of company events

Staff and management can get together for the annual company outing, the Christmas party or also an anniversary celebration outside of work in a […]


Transfer pricing rules for financing transactions

Through the Growth Opportunities Act (cf. the following article) the German tax legislator introduced two specific transfer pricing rules on the […]


Working abroad - Tax equalisation and tax protection in the new ‘183-day circular’

During a period of working abroad, employers and employees normally conclude tax equalisation agreements. The usual methods here are tax equalisation […]


E-invoicing will be mandatory from 1.1.2025 – Urgent action is required by all companies

Ever since the promulgation of the German Growth Opportunities Act on 27.3.2024 it has been clear that e-invoicing will be mandatory in Germany - […]


Draft bill for the 2024 Annual Tax Act

While it was only recently, in March 2024, that the German Growth Opportunities Act was passed, now already, there is an (unofficial) draft bill for […]


The relocation of production abroad - What are the tax implications that need to be considered?

The relocation of production abroad is no longer a possible scenario solely for large corporate groups. Rising energy prices, skills shortages and […]


Sustainability reporting - A step-by-step guide

The first two parts of our series of articles on sustainability reporting provided a comprehensive overview of the new regulations under the EU’s […]


‘Ageing-in-place’ home modifications as an extraordinary financial burden?

When a home is remodelled by older adults the question that arises with respect to the tax deductibility of the costs is whether or not the […]


Too high a VAT amount stated on invoices to final consumers – The new regulations

Up to now, under Section 14c (1) of the VAT Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz, UstG), businesses have been obliged to pay VAT to their local tax offices even in […]


Private real estate sales in the context of succession cases and own-use

Recently, a number of new court rulings with respect to private sales transactions involving real estate were disclosed. The courts ruled on whether […]

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