PKF Wulf Services GmbH

Auditing company
Tax consultancy firm

Löffelstraße 44
70597 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 (711) 69767 -0
Fax: +49 (711) 69767-133


Represented by the management board:
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (BA) Christoph Kalmbach, Auditor/Tax Consultant
Dipl.-Ökonom Ralph Setzer, Auditor/Tax Consultant
Dipl.-Finanzwirt Martin Wulf, Auditor/Tax Consultant
M.A. Dominik Huth, Tax Consultant
B.A. Martin Krebs, Auditor/Tax Consultant

Registered office:

Legal form:
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung [limited company]

Professional designation:
Audit and tax company

Designation awarded in:
Federal Republic of Germany

Stuttgart District Court Commercial Register:
HRB 762414



Competent supervisory authorities and professional associations:

Wirtschaftsprüferkammer Berlin, Rauchstraße 26, 10787 Berlin,
Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart, Hegelstr. 33, 70174 Stuttgart,


Professional regulations:

PFK Wulf Services GmbH is a member of the Berlin Chamber of Public Accountants and the Stuttgart Chamber of Tax Consultants.

Partners and members of the company are subject to the applicable professional regulations in their capacity as tax consultants, auditors or lawyers in light of their profession or affiliated with the company. The pertinent local or regional professional associations act as supervisory authorities.

Tax consultant

The rules of professional conduct applicable to the professional designation of tax consultant include:

German Tax Advisory Act (StBerG)
Implementing Ordinance to the Tax Advisory Act (DVStB)
Professional Code of Conduct for the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants (StBGebV)

The rules of professional conduct can be viewed and accessed on the homepage of the local and regional chambers of tax consultants, e.g. the Stuttgart Chamber of Tax Consultants ( or on the website of the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants (

Auditor/certified public accountant

The rules of professional conduct applicable to the professional designation of auditor/certified public accountant include:

German Public Accountant’s Act (WPO)
Professional Code of Conduct for Certified Public Accountants/Auditors (BS WP/vBP)
Charter for Quality Assurance
Regulation on Document Seals

Ordinance on Professional Liability Insurance for Auditors and Certified Public Accountants

The current versions of these rules of professional conduct can be viewed and accessed on the homepage German Chamber of Public Accountants (

Professional liability insurance

Zurich Insurance plc
Niederlassung für Deutschland
Platz der Einheit 2, 60327 Frankfurt am Main
Court of registration: Frankfurt am Main HRB 88353


Dispute resolution

1. Information pursuant to Section 36 of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act
In accordance with our obligation according to Section 36 (1) of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act, we hereby declare that PKF Wulf Treuhand GmbH is neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board pursuant to Art. 2 of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act.

2. Online dispute resolution platform pursuant to Section 14 (1) of the ODR Regulation
In accordance with our obligation from the EU Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution, please note that the EU Commission has set up an internet platform for the online resolution of disputes at



Mandatory disclosures and other information according to the rules of professional conduct as well as the German Regulation on Service Information Requirements (DL-InfoV) for individual companies of the PKF Wulf Group can be found on the pages of each office. 



Our permission is required to use any content published on the individual pages of our website for commercial purposes.
All rights to the images and articles published on the individual pages of this website belong to the respective authors.

Use of images

The express consent of the respective authors and rights holders has been obtained for all photographic works and images used on the PKF Wulf group website (photographs, graphics and other figurative representations).

The above legal notice applies accordingly to the following social media pages



