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An insolvency administrator may challenge profit distributions

In the event of a looming crisis at a GmbH [German limited liability company], a question that frequently arises for shareholders is whether or not […]


Work-related activities away from home – No lump-sum allowances instead of ticket costs

When employees go on business trips the rule is that the travel costs that they paid for themselves can be deducted as work-related costs in their tax […]


Cosmetic repairs – Obliging a tenant to renovate is only possible to a limited extent

Last year, the so-called renovation clause received a lot of media attention on account of a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice […]


Drawing child benefit in the case of adult children

Child benefit represents a not insignificant part of household income, particularly in the case of large families. Since 1.1.2021, for the first and […]


Legislative tax proposals of the ‘traffic light’ coalition

The parties in the ‘traffic light’ coalition (SPD, Greens and the FDP) presented their coalition agreement on 24.11.2021. This also contains numerous […]


The new ‘contribution solution’ for overpayments and underpayments of profit transfers in the context of a consolidated tax group pursuant to the Act on the Modernisation of Corporation Tax Law

Apart from the much-discussed introduction of an option for partnerships to be treated as corporations for tax purposes, the Act on the Modernisation […]


Interest rates for shareholder loans under scrutiny at the Federal Fiscal Court

Generally, the interest rate at which a shareholder grants a loan to their company has to be compared against an arm’s length benchmark. Frequently, […]


Write-ups in the case of foreign currency liabilities

Generally, foreign currency liabilities have to be measured at their value at the time when they were created (acquisition rate). Recently, the […]


The obligation to remunerate preparatory and concluding activities in an employment relationship

So-called preparatory and concluding activities - such as, for example, time spent changing clothes, moving around the workplace, cleaning up as well […]


Unconstitutionality of excessive interest on tax arrears/refunds – consequences from the tax administration

In July 2021, the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht, BVerfG) classified the statutory interest on tax arrears and tax refunds of […]

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